
Event Planning During COVID-19

Posted on April 6th, 2020
Tags: coronavirus, covid-19, event planning, event organization,

While races are cancelling en masse for public safety, many race directors have suspended their planning of future events. While an abundance of caution during this pandemic is healthy, race directors should remember that races and gatherings will be permitted again eventually—and once they are, be assured that runners will sign up in droves. As a race director, you’ll want to be prepared when that day comes. Nobody wants to retroactively discover that they could have hosted their event after all.

Right now is a great time to start laying out your plans for events later in the…

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Three Ways to Get Your New Event Noticed

Posted on March 4th, 2020
Tags: event, race director, run, running, new event, new race director, planning, event hosting, event hosting service,

So you’re a freshly-minted race director. You’ve organized your own event, you’ve made the necessary accommodations, you’ve secured permits, and you’ve worked out the logistics. Yet despite it all, people just aren’t registering. Low registration numbers can be unnerving, but don’t give up; there are ways to turn it around and draw attention to your event.

Rack Cards: We’ve covered rack cards on this blog before, and the same points we made in our prior post hold true now. Rack cards with an eye-catching design placed in local running stores are a great way to draw the “passive”…

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