2018 Defiance 15K Registrations

Last Name First Name Gender City State
Balint Ilana F Edmonds
Shaughnessy Cathie F Olympia WA
Triquart Stephanie F University Place WA
melloy yanci F olympia
Mack Susan F Olympia WA
Triquart Richard M University Place WA
Coccia Daniel M Fife WA
Muncton tracy F Auburn WA
Schatza Kristine F Puyallup WA
Bradley Laura F Tacoma WA
Barney Michael M Federal Way WA
Lacombe Michael M Puyallup WA
Baker Katie F Tacoma WA
Manuel Yolanda F Gig Harbor WA
Medina Alejandro F Gig Harbor WA
Rogers Dianne F Olympia WA
Penfield Josh M Tacoma WA
Penfield Annie F Tacoma WA
Klontz Stacy F Sumner WA
Lemieux Samantha F Fircrest WA
powell karen F university place WA
Anderson Meaghan F University Place WA
Stephens Jeff M gig harbor WA
Campbell Heather F Tacoma WA
Gerecht Ryan M Tacoma WA
Cox Kathy F Seattle WA
Kovacs Mike M Seattle WA
Dobner Michael M Edgewood WA
Nelson Jeff M Seatac WA
Khim Rebecca F Tumwater WA
Tsuji Cindy F Kirkland WA
Householder Clara F Olympia WA
Barney David M Tacoma WA
Bliss Jeneth F Shelton WA
Loucks Kimberly F Gig Harbor WA
Escalante Joanne F Puyallup WA
Meadows Lacey F Eatonville WA
Casselman Lisa F Puyallup WA
Mone Jennifer F Scarsdale NY
Aso Kenneth M Auburn WA
Aso Kimberley F Auburn WA
Kessler Dani F Tacoma WA
Hernandez eresa F Gra WA
Shelton Kirsten F Battle Ground Wa
hansen cathleen F Spanaway WA
Myers RJ M Eastsound WA
Leatham Jenna F Lakewood WA
Smith Valerie F Tumwater WA
Wiborg Ragnar M Tacoma WA
Montes-Sanders brita F DuPont WA
Senecal Owen M Tacoma WA
Lockett Briana F Bothell WA
Griggi Michelle F San Mateo CA
Senecal Conor M Rochester MN
Loredo Abel M Puyallup WA
Grant Jimmy M Tacoma Washington
senecal clare F Tacoma WA
seberson Peter M tacoma WA
LeProwse Kelly M Federal Way WA
LeProwse Cherisse F Federal Way WA
Billiu Lee M Puyallup WA
Robedeau Joseph M Puyallup WA
Sabo Brandon M The Dalles OR
Sabo Jennifer F The Dalles OR
Holder Kent M Fox Island WA
Zelazny Kristine F TACOMA WA
O'Brien Kevin M Tacoma WA
DeSantis Brett Marlo F Gig Harbor WA
Wieser Jeff M Gig harbor WA
Malich Robin F Gig Harbor WA
Minier Megan F Vashon WA
Wu Angela F Sumner WA
Coutts Josh M Sumner WA
Unger Lara F Gig Harbor WA
Otto Kati F Vashon WA
Sams Julie F Gig Harbor WA
Prine Barbara F Tacoma WA
Alexander Emily F Olympia WA
Sanford Dave M Olympia WA
Sanford Emily F Olympia WA
Perez Crystal F Gig Harbor WA
Fiman Alice F Tumwater WA
Fiman Jason M Tumwater WA
King-Forsberg Alisha F Lacey WA
Braden Meadow F Tacoma WA
Hawkins Julian M Tacoma WA
Bouma Ginger F Poulsbo WA
Fisher Amy F Tacom WA
Fleming Michelle F Lacey WA
Constantino Melissa F Tacoma WA
Broomhall Amy F Vashon WA
Smith Sarah F Tacoma WA
Garton Linda F Tacoma WA
Hattrup Kasey M Kent WA
Oster Morgan F Snoqualmie WA
Folkerts Brenda F Olympia WA
Clarberg Melissa F Puyallup WA
Monahan Michael M Tacoma WA
Elliott Shauna F Port orchard Wa
Harp Garret M Tacoma WA
Owen Andrea F Tacoma Wa
Thompson Andrea F olympia WA
Cornick Lance M Olympia WA
Redburg James M Tacoma Washington
Kleinhoff Tiana F LACEY WA
Maison Paul M Yakima WA
Burgess Blake M Tacoma WA
Graf Carrie F Olympia WA
St. Lawrence Robb M Olympia WA
Burwell Brian M Bremerton WA
Best Cara F Tacoma WA
Pratt David M Spanaway WA
Smith Melissa F Poulsbo WA
Wight Logan M University Place WA
Balera Amanda F Gig Harbor WA
Schwartz Sally F Gig Harbor WA
gentry Allison F Seattle WA
Brimmer Martina F Seattle WA
Ryan Shannon F Tacoma WA
foss jason M tacoma WA
Thedwall Craig M Gig Harbor WA
Bright Curt M Graham WA
Shor Sharon M University Place WA
Sparkman Kelly F University Place WA
Jones Abigail F Puyallup WA
Fisch Annie F Nine Mile Falls WA
Klein Carmen F Tacoma Wa
Rupe Jason M Pasco Washington
Shields Melissa F Seattle WA
Hollett Scott M Gig harbor WA
Baldwin Nathan M Dupont WA
Beardslee Stephanie F Cashmere WA
Wrolson Alec M Ruston WA
Nason David M Tacoma WA
M David M Palo Alto CA
M Ethan M Palo Alto CA
Martin Justin M Tacoma WA
Armand Damian M Tacoma WA
Sprague Don M Tacoma WA
Rice Paul M Redmond WA
Cove Fran F Tacoma WA
van Rees Jasper M Tacoma WA
Kishimoto Maria F Tacoma WA
Olivares Viviana F Olympia WA
Olivares Joel M Olympia WA
Weaver Whitney F TACOMA WA
Neary Michael M Tacoma WA
Stephens Jeff M Tacoma WA
Bordenik Bryan M auburn WA
Jones Chris M Puyallup WA
Huibregtse Stacie F Gig Harbor WA
Van Fredenberg Jerry M NORMANDY PARK WA
Folts Monica F Denver CO
Retchless Loan F Bonney Lake WA
Dahlby Mark M Tacoma WA
Whitehouse Jamie F tacoma WA
Brewer Katie F Lakewood WA
Brewer Karl M Lakewood WA
Hildebrandt Marcia F Port Ludlow WA
Newman Rich M Tacoma WA
Holden Allison F Sherwood Oregon
Hodges Laura F RIchland WA
Wolfe Ladd M Tacoma WA
Dykstra Tamara F Poulsbo WA
Guillien Paul M Bonney Lake WA
Holloway Ron M Tacoma WA
Coonts Julianne F Port Angeles WA
Silva Emily F Port Angeles WA
Skandis Paula F Fort Lewis WA
Hoyos Gabriela F Seattle WA